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In Home TV & Electronic Service 24/7 Stereo Equipments Repair
Along with television repairs, we handle stereo equipment issues for all major brands. From digital to analog and vintage to modern, we have the experience and tools to repair a wide variety of stereo equipment. Don’t throw away that broken down stereo; salvage it with a speedy repair.
Reduce the money you spend, Reuse your electronics, Recycle parts, Restore and Repair your systems… with In Home TV & Electronic Service 24/7!
180 Day Warranty for All Work Performed!
We can connect any model television to any type of stereo system.
We can fix any kind of television model, including the ones not listed here.
Please call or text us at 613-513-5494 (available 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) or email us at with the model number.
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